Lower School

Lower School is alive with the joyous spirit of children learning.

What would it mean to treat the Earth as a friend?

-Lower School Students

As the year unfolds, how can we remember that change needs ease, progress has purpose, and grace only knows how to flow forward?

-Middle School Students

How can we as individuals best support our community members with what we learn?

-Upper School Students

Our community is a tree with roots, a strong trunk, many branches, and new growth. How do we tend this community tree to make sure it is healthy and happy?

-Quaker Education Committee

How can we make kindness loud and contagious?

-Middle School Students

The Lower School nurtures students’ creativity and sense of wonder as the first steps on a path toward lifelong learning. Quaker values inform every aspect of our school day, inspiring students to see how kindness and empathy can shape their lives, our community, and the world.


Children inherently understand Quaker values like equity and justice, and they are awed by nature and the environment. The Lower School nurtures Quaker values in our children and allows them to carry that understanding deep within.– Lower School Parent

Explore Our Lower School Classrooms
