Clubs and Affinity Groups
With more than 65 clubs and other extracurricular activities to choose from, Sidwell Friends students know that school isn’t just about what happens in the classroom.
Middle School teachers sponsor a wide range of after-school extracurricular activities for students in grades 5−8. Students with an international bent may be drawn to the Chinese Culture Club, Globetrotters, or the Heritage Spanish Speakers Club. Young thespians may try out for the play or musical. Other students may take part in Robotics, Math Counts, or the Animal Welfare Club.
In Upper School, clubs are run by student leaders with faculty sponsorship. Students interested in social justice may join the Female Empowerment Mission or GLSBT, or they may pursue their passion for robotics, chess, tea, microfinance—and a host of other topics. Affinity groups such as the Black Student Union and the Biracial Club offer students a chance to explore their developing identities. Budding journalists and writers produce a newspaper, a humor publication, a literary and art magazine, a yearbook, and a diversity magazine. Artistic options include singing in an a cappella groups, performing at Arts Guild (a monthly open mic night), or taking part in the many student productions overseen by our arts faculty. From astronomy to Shakespeare to service clubs, our students see extracurriculars as another opportunity to “let their lives speak.”
*Please note: Clubs are student-founded and change yearly based on interest. The list below is from a previous year and serves as an example of club offerings.
Upper School Clubs
Model UN | This club is Sidwell’s delegation to Model UN conferences around the DMV as well as to the Ivy League Model UN conference in Philadelphia. Members develop their public speaking and negotiation skills while meeting new people and discussing some of the most pressing issues in the world. |
Quaker Life Committee | The Quaker Life Committee, which is composed of both faculty and students, organizes and develops the query for our weekly Meeting for Worship. It also works with student affinity groups to organize events that engage our Quaker values and practices. Finally, it arranges programs between advisories to facilitate deeper connections within the student body. |
Outing Club | The Outing Club is a group that enjoys outdoor activities such as climbing, kayaking, canoeing, camping, and hiking. It takes trips throughout the year, on both weekends to places like Carderock and a larger trip on spring break that usually involves flying somewhere. This club is a great way to experience nature and discover new things that you never thought you would enjoy. |
Chess Club | The Chess Club meets weekly to play chess together and discuss any notable recent games and tournaments. It also competes in competitions around the DMV area and has been state runner up in DC twice. |
Student Democrats | Student Democrats acts as a forum to unpack the news of the day during its weekly meetings. It also organizes phone banking and canvassing groups during election cycles and hosts joint meetings with Student Republicans in order to promote open debate over key and contentious issues. |
The Horizon | The Horizon is Sidwell’s student-run current events publication which releases issues every month. Each paper contains sections based on news, culture, sports, opinion, and a features section which keep the student body up to date with important issues affecting Sidwell and the world around us. |
Political Philosophy Club | The Political Philosophy Club meets regularly to debate the merits of particular ideologies and the works of intellectuals. Members discuss a new reading each week and, through debate and challenging one another, form more complete beliefs. The club strives in particular to discuss works and ideas that are out of the ordinary within both Sidwell and the United States as a whole. |
Sidwell Political Review | The Sidwell Political Review is Sidwell’s politically minded publication. In each of its seasonal issues, students write either opinions on a current event or an explanation of the current event to give the student body a better understanding of the world around them and to expose them to views they may not have heard before. |
Sidwell Business Review | The Sidwell Business Review is Sidwell’s business minded publication. Each issue contains articles written by students that cover a wide range of topics, from sports to Sidwell alumni, which all tie back to entrepreneurship, finance, and business. |
Activism Through Art | Activism Through Art is a club which fights against injustice in America by using artistic mediums. The group creates posters, documents protests, holds meetings about social issues, hosts design challenges, and highlights influential artists regularly. |
Asian Students Association | The Asian Students Association aims to foster a safe space for students of all Asian heritages to celebrate and talk about their cultures. Meetings range from serious discussions about struggles as an Asian in America to cultural presentations to feasts on Asian holidays. In the context of the broader Sidwell community, ASA brings attention to racial issues while simultaneously displaying the beauty and uniqueness of each individual Asian culture. |
Black Male Society | Black Male Society is a safe space for everyone on campus, particularly for Black males, within the Sidwell Community. It exists to give a space where Black males can come to be heard, find support, and see and meet others who look like them on campus. |
Bridge Club | Bridge is a fun and strategic card game that anyone can play. Every Wednesday at Bridge, club members learn strategy and play a few games amongst each other and with invited players from the Washington Bridge League. |
Days for Girls DC | Days for Girls is an international initiative to sew and distribute menstrual products to places in the world where women do not have easy access to proper menstrual hygiene products. Menstrual health management is a universal human right, a critical component of gender equity and vital to women and girls reaching their full potential. Their mission as a club is to sew as many pads as we can and educate club and community members on the privilege of menstrual produce and importance around destigmatizing periods. |
Debate | Debate is an amazing way to get experience researching arguments, defending points, writing speeches, and practicing public speaking. Sidwell’s team participates in Public Forum, Model Congress, and Policy debates across the DMV including the regional tournament in March every year. |
Dreamcatchers | Dreamcatchers is a club that helps fulfill goals for those transitioning to end of life care. This time can be scary for patients and Sidwell’s Dreamcatchers club helps to ease that transition and facilitate experiences that individuals want. |
Enneagram Club | The Enneagram Club is dedicated to the Enneagram which is a system that studies personality and behavior, similar to the Myers-Briggs test or the sorting hat from Harry Potter. The club explores the Enneagram by studying films, literature, and through discussions with one another. |
Entrepreneurship Club | The Entrepreneurship Club meets weekly to talk about finance and discuss the practice starting businesses. It tries to bring in speakers as well to promote the entrepreneurial spirit within the student body. |
FEAT | FEAT, or Friends Environmental Action Team, runs across all divisions of Sidwell and focuses on environmental advocacy. They have a newsletter, which is now expanding into a regional publication, host virtual presentations and talks on environmental happenings/accomplishments, organize trash pickups, attend strikes, and talk with administrative figures about changes they can make within Sidwell. We are currently working to join and build a network called SEASN (Students Environmental and Sustainability Network) in hopes of expanding our mission to solve the environmental crisis we are facing. |
FEM | FEM, or the Female Empowerment Mission, is a club dedicated to the discussion of issues pertaining to all women. Despite the fact that the club is about women, everyone is invited and encouraged to attend our meetings because women’s issues are everyone’s issues. They also work with other affinity groups at Sidwell to discuss topics at the intersection of female identity and other identities. |
GSA (Gender Sexuality Alliance) | Sidwell’s Gender-Sexuality Alliance, is a community space for LGBTQ+ students. We discuss topics of importance to our community and provide a place to enjoy queer media. |
Investment Club | The club heads, along with our faculty advisor Mr. Waugh, manage Sidwell’s real investment portfolio. During weekly club meetings we not only pitch stocks and potential investments for our portfolio, but make PowerPoints on tips, recent news, and different types of investments. |
Math Club | The Math Club is the club for you if you love math! Not only does it give Sidwell students the opportunity to participate in math competitions that have fascinating, out-of-the-box problems, but it also fosters a sense of community between students who love math at Sidwell. |
Sports Business and Analysis | In this club we discuss weekly news in the sports business field such as salary caps, player contracts, shoe deals and enforcements, and other areas of sports related to business. We also discuss advanced analytics and their role in professional sports leagues, especially the NBA. |
BRAIN Club | The Biological Research and Investigation in Neuroscience (BRAIN) Club provides opportunities for students interested in science to pursue research in an extracurricular setting while partnering with scientists from institutions such as the National Institute of Health (NIH) and Georgetown University Medical Center. The BRAIN Club attends many international conferences throughout the year to give students the opportunity to present their work as well as gain exposure to various fields of science. |
South Asian Student Association | The South Asian Student Association provides a glimpse into South Asian culture to the broader community by organizing and leading cultural assemblies, celebrating holidays, learning and performing traditional Indian dances, and directing discussions on social and political issues affecting South Asians. |
MED Club | The Med Club introduces students to the wonderful field of medicine by bringing in guest speakers and discussing key issues in the field of medicine! We meet weekly to plan fundraisers and events related to the field of medicine. Med Club is a great way to find opportunities in the field of medicine for high schoolers and even get to know people in the field. |
Positive Masculinity Club | Positive Masculinity’s mission is to identify and challenge the problems, misconceptions, and misinterpretations surrounding the idea of masculinity. The modern man is shaped by requisite departure from tradition, as well as rigorous introspection. We hope that by asking the difficult questions, we can make the world a better place for boys, men, and those who interact with them. |
Certamen Club | Certamen is a Latin quiz bowl competition in which a team of students answer questions about Roman History, vocabulary, and grammar in order to receive points. Sidwell competes against other schools in the area in a buzzer style competition. |
Spikeball | Spikeball club meets to play on the upper turf on most days. We provide sets and equipment and occasionally host and attend tournaments in conjunction with schools across the DMV. |
Current Events Club | The Current Events Club is intended to be a weekly forum that allows members to discuss the news so as to increase their understanding of the context, significance, and implications of certain events. Topics, recent and/or ongoing, are suggested by members. Potential topics could include local and global politics, socio-economic issues, social and criminal justice matters, human rights, cultural events, and international events of interest. |
Book Club | Book Club is exactly what it sounds like- it votes on books to read and then meets weekly to discuss them in sections. It talks about anything from themes and writing style to simply which characters we like and dislike. You don’t have to commit to anything, so just drop by and join for the books you’re interested in! |
Caribbean Heritage Club | The Caribbean Heritage Club Provides a safe space for students of Caribbean descent and welcomes allies. It focuses on learning about different islands and cultures in the Caribbean and sharing what our culture means to us. |
Nutritional Health and Wellness Club | Nutritional Health and Wellness Club is dedicated to improving mental and physical well-being in the Upper School and beyond. It hosts engaging discussions, watches documentaries, brings in knowledgeable speakers, shares delicious recipes, and does many activities together – all while having so much fun and eating lots of healthy snacks! |
Philomath | Philomath is a club for those interested in learning about, discussing, and writing about all aspects of philosophy. Topics range from the philosophy of math to rhetoric, including topics as diverse as metaphysics and ethics. Writing for Philomath can be in the form of prose, poetry, or the traditional analytical style. All writing styles are welcome, so long as they convey a philosophical theme or argument! Philomath is open to all political, philosophical, and personal viewpoints. The only requirement is to come with an open mind to and a tolerance for all other viewpoints. |
Autism Awareness Club | The Autism Awareness Club aims to create a welcoming environment where we can advocate, fundraise, and educate. We discuss films and events relating to the neuro-diverse community in a productive and informative manner. |
Meditation Club | Meditation Club does different things every week and meetings center on meditation, yoga, or writing in gratitude journals. The club seeks to make everyone feel welcomed and connected as members reflect on the week. |
International Service Club | ISC is a club for various projects relating to service in international countries, specifically regarding education. The club’s main project for the past few years has been working with the Starehe Girls’ Centre in Nairobi, Kenya, to raise money for full-ride scholarships for academically gifted but underprivileged high school girls. We also have set up a pen pal program for Sidwell students to connect with these amazing young women and to broaden our horizons. We have multiple projects lined up for the coming years and are always open to new ideas! |
Girls Who Start | Girls Who Start is a non-profit organization with the mission to inspire middle school, high school, and college girls to become entrepreneurs and leaders. The organization does this by creating events that showcase female leaders, creating workshops to give girls the tools they need, and forming a community of girls all interested in entrepreneurship and leadership. It has over 40 chapters and almost 2,000 members across the country and internationally. As a part of the Sidwell chapter for Girls Who Start, we host events where we invite female leaders to speak to our members and we host workshops and pitch competitions to give girls the opportunity to explore their creative side. |
Birding Club | The Birding Club offers students the chance to not only learn more about birds in the DMV area, but also learn about our negative impact on them. By obtaining this information, we discover new sustainable and environmental-friendly ways to help protect our birds. |
Knitting and Crochet Club | The Knitting and Crochet Club is an inclusive community of students who have an interest in knitting and crochet and come together to create projects that give back to the wider community. |
Mixed Students of Sidwell Club | Mixed Students of Sidwell Club meets to discuss how being biracial can affect and impact a person’s life. The club focuses on individual as well as shared experiences and encourages participation in an open and welcoming environment. |
Refugee Support and Awareness Club | Refugee Support and Awareness Club discusses issues affecting immigrants seeking asylum all over the world. The club also works to organize fundraisers and donation drives to support people moving to the United States from other countries. |
HER | Her Education is Her Right (HER) Club renovates libraries and donates books to girls’ schools in the Middle East. The club has built 13 libraries across Pakistan and Morocco. In club meetings, members plan book drives, apply for grants, write mini books for our libraries, and discuss girls’ education. |
Tech Talk | TechTalk focuses on open discussion regarding the tech and science world. It brings topics to talk about and encourages members to share what interests them. Along with discussion, the club also hosts several prominent speakers and helps teach younger kids to code. No computer science knowledge is required to attend! |
Sci Club | SCI club is a club where members learn science you probably won’t do in class and use it for fun games and experiments! Some of the club’s favorite activities are solving riddles, debating ethics, doing an egg drop, and making ice cream. It doesn’t require any outside work or knowledge- members should just want to have fun and do science! |
International Relations Club | The International Relations Club is a forum for discussion on the pressing topics of today's global geopolitical scene. It discusses issues as specific as the Israel-Palestine conflict and issues as large as the U.S. role in the world, in addition to IR and economic theory. Through the sharing of diverse ideas, it hopes to broaden the understanding of all toward the complex relationships between global actors. |
Women in Sports Club | The idea of WISC (Women in Sports Club) is to provide a safe space to talk about issues that female athletes face around the world and in our own community. It hopes to make positive change in our community by having conversations with our athletic department and our peers about better ways to support Sidwell’s girls’ teams. |
Quarterly | Quarterly is Sidwell’s main and oldest Arts and Writing magazine. Its goal is to highlight the beautiful works of art and writing produced by Sidwell students. It releases between 3-4 digital issues per year, which include music, drawings, 3D art, poetry, short stories and more. Quarterly is run and edited by a group of committed students from all grades - you don’t need any prior experience to join! |
GRIT | The Girls Rising in Technology Club's acronym—GRIT—summarizes what girls interested in STEM need every day: grit to be heard in classes where females remain underrepresented, to overcome derogatory comments from male classmates, and to be taken seriously when we insist that girls excel in STEM. But the name also reflects what GRIT members proudly believe in: girls are rising in technology. The club serves as a safe space for girls to meet and talk about their experiences and to empower each other to become STEM pioneers. GRIT's offerings include: a peer mentorship program, a speaker series featuring successful women in STEM, and math and science competitions. |
MENA Club | MENA Club holds weekly meetings to discuss current events and topics relevant to the Middle East and North Africa region. The goal of the club is to provide a space for conversations around MENA identity and news and to appreciate and celebrate MENA culture. It also recruits speakers from relevant institutions and organizes fundraisers. |
Table Top Games | The Tabletop Games Club provides an open forum for members to play, discuss, and find new games with each other. Its favorite games include Settlers of Catan, Dominion, and Qwerkle. |
Film and Photography Club | Film and Photography Club is the place for all photography and film enthusiasts- viewers and makers alike. It often hosts viewing parties where the entire club can participate in watching, discussing, and debating films. It also hosts photography competitions and many other projects! |
Mental Health Awareness Club | The Mental Health Awareness Club talks about different mental health issues and the stigma surrounding them. It provides a safe space for students to focus on their own mental health and learn about problems with the way mental health issues are addressed in the world. Additionally, it hosts Mental Health Awareness Week where the club invites different speakers to talk to the student body about issues such as depression and anxiety. |
Microfinance Club | The Microfinance Club lends money to underprivileged entrepreneurs in developing countries around the world. These loans help stimulate local economies which is an important step in eliminating global poverty. |
PLATO | PLATO is a club for casual and low-pressure debate and discussion about philosophy and political theory. Everyone, no matter your experience with these works, is welcome to attend! |
Random Acts of Fun and Kindness | As the name suggests, this club is all about planning random acts of fun and kindness for the student body! The goal is to brighten people’s days, especially around holidays like Halloween and Valentine’s Day. |
Robotics | In Robotics, students come together to design and build robots. It competes in two competitions during the year: The First Tech Challenge in the fall and the MATE ROV in the spring. |
Gxrls in STEM | Gxrls in STEM is a magazine sent out around DC area schools written by gxrls, for gxrls. It publishes 3 times a year and issues include articles, artwork, and even crosswords. |
Superhero Club | Superhero Club meets to talk about comic books, movies, and television programs with superheroes in them. The club also hosts watch parties when new movies are released! |
The Franklin Society | Styled after the salons of the French Enlightenment, the Franklin Society seeks to foster conversations about important political issues in a multi-partisan setting that encourages free speech, free thinking, and free debate. |
Ukelele Club | Ukulele Club is all about promoting a love for Ukuleles! Members meet to play together, teach songs to one another, and even go on picnics. You don’t need to have any experience to join, and there are even some ukuleles to use if you don’t own one yourself. |
UNICEF Club | UNICEF Club spreads awareness about social issues that impact young people around the world. It fundraises money through bake sales and other events to help support them. |
Community Action Club | Community Action Club is a club at Sidwell that works to engage the student body in service both within the school community and the greater DC area. CAC partners with local organizations such as Free Minds Book Club, Mary’s Center, Here2Help, and others to elevate their mission and get involved with their work. Over the course of a year the club hosts events like bake sales and 5ks to raise money, as well as many other activities. |
French Culture and Food Club | French Culture and Food Club meets so members can share their love of France! Whether it be cooking crepes or watching French films, the club seeks to foster an appreciation for the nation and its culture all while having fun. |
Sustainable Fashion Club | The sustainable fashion club focuses on raising awareness about fast fashion companies and the dangers they pose to human rights and to the environment. It promotes sustainable fashion use by the student body to combat these issues. |
Latin American Society | The Latin American Society is a space for Latino Sidwell students to gather and celebrate Latinidad, discuss current events pertaining to Latin America, and explore the Latino identity and experience, especially in the context of Sidwell. |
KidPower | KidPower allows Sidwell students to partner with local elementary school students and create a tutor/mentor relationship with second and third graders. It's a great way to bond with creative, intelligent, and amazing kids in a meaningful way as well as fill the service hour requirement. |
It's Academic | It’s Academic is a quiz bowl style that is similar to Jeopardy. Sidwell’s team participates regularly against others around the DMV and is even on television during taped competitions! |
Black Student Union | The Black Student Union is a club for Sidwell’s Black community. Along with weekly meetings, the club hosts an annual theatre production and cookout, movie nights, and other special events. |
Black Girls Society | The Black Girls’ Society is a sisterhood (rather than a club), building relationships among Black women in the Sidwell community. With movie nights, an interdivisional mentorship program, and after-school meetings, it aims to create a care-free space for Black girls. |
Student Alumni Association | The Student-Alumni Association is a club dedicated to strengthening the relationship between current students and alumni of Sidwell Friends. The club hosts monthly Alumni Talks, brainstorms Founder’s Day themes, and broadcasts events by the Alumni Office. |
Brothers and Sisters of Africa | Brothers and Sisters of Africa is Sidwell’s African student Union. We have frequent meetings to discuss current events, hold fundraisers for service projects, and host Africa week annually in February. |
The Oat |
The Oat is Sidwell’s satirical paper, an opportunity for you to create hilarious content for the Sidwell Community. We are everything The Horizon wishes it was. |
Middle School Clubs
5th-6th Grade Clubs |
7th-8th Grade Clubs |
5th-6th Grade Affinity Groups |
7th-8th Grade Affinity Groups |